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Day Camp Frequently Asked Questions


What is Cub Scout Day Camp?
Cub Scout Day Camp is an adventure filled program that happens at several local locations throughout Southeastern New England. Camp Directors and staff plan a week packed full of fun and excitement. Day camps are designed to meet the needs and interest of Cub Scouts by providing great age appropriate activities and daily programs. Our traditional activities include Archery & BB instruction, Nature, Sports, Crafts, Games, Scout Skills, Swimming, Boating and Fishing. All this and more awaits you at camp! Camp operates Monday through Friday 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Extended hours are available.


Who Can Attend Cub Scout Day Camp?
Cub Scouts! Any youth registered in Cub Scouts entering grades Kindergarten, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 in the fall of 2023 is eligible to attend day camp. Parents are encouraged to volunteer for the week. Cub Scout age Siblings can also come to camp.


What Do You Mean by Cub-Scout-Aged Siblings?
Simply, if the sibling is in grades K through 5 in the Fall of 2023 then they can attend!  For safety and programmatic reasons we cannot accept siblings (or Scouts) that are younger, or older. For example - we could not accept your 4 year-old sibling or 13 year old sibling. (The exception would be tot-lot for those working on staff, and for youth aged 14 years or older working as a den chief)


How Does Bussing Work?
Bussing will only be available for campers at Camp Norse in 2024. There is a set bus schedule. Not every bus route runs every week, so check the schedule carefully. There is a flat fee of $60. A Staff member gets on the bus at the first stop and takes attendance and provides two-deep leadership with the bus driver. The staff member also has emergency contact information with them if there was ever a problem with the bus running late due to a flat tire or any other unforeseen circumstance. We use a fully insured, commercial school bus company.


Can I Work on Staff?
Yes! We are always looking for volunteer staff to serve as Den Leaders. As compensation you receive one free week of Day Camp for every week you volunteer. All volunteers must be registered members of the BSA, be selected to work on staff, and attend training. 


What Does Day Camp Cost?
Camp Fee: 

Adventure Card (In-Council, registered Scout) - $275
Non-Adventure Card (Out of Council, non-Scouts) - $295
Fee includes one Day Camp T-Shirt, Day Camp Patch, all program supplies and materials and one great week of fun at an outstanding camping facility! Camp Scholarships are available for youth. Extended Day Program is a flat fee of $60 per week. Bus service is a flat fee of $60 per week. Additional weeks are only $210 for Adventure card holders and $250 for Non-Adventure card holders. 


Who Runs Cub Scout Day Camp?
Each camp provides a trained staff that runs the daily program and events. Scouts are organized into dens; each den will be provided a trained Den Leader. The staff is approved by the Council Cub Scout camping committee and are properly trained. The camp directors & program directors at each camp are Nationally Certified by the Boy Scouts of America’s National Camping School.


What Do We Eat?
Lunch! - Each day, campers provide their own lunch. At our camp locations refrigeration is not always available so we recommend that you pack lunch items that are nonperishable. There may also be special days and events for campers and their families –you will hear more about this from the camp director.


Do I Have to Pre-register?
YES! Camps are limited and many camps fill quickly, and it is recommended that you register early. Also, to ensure availability of T-shirts and patches please pre-register.


What Do I Wear and Bring to Camp?
The Day Camp uniform will be a T-shirt provided by the camp on the first day. Sneakers & socks (no sandals), shorts and a poncho may be appropriate depending on weather conditions. Scouts also must bring a small backpack with a water bottle, bathing suit, towel, water shoes, hat & lunch. You will receive a letter from the camp director explaining the camp program, rules and expectations prior to your arrival at the camp so you can prepare for your first day of camp.


How Are the Camps Regulated for Safety?
Our day camps are supervised by Boy Scouts of America National Camping School certified directors, health officers are on duty while camp is in session, and the camps operate under the safety and program standards of both the Boy Scouts of America and the States of Massachusetts & Rhode Island. Information regarding the Permit to Operate a Children’s Camp or National Accreditation Standards can be obtained from the Narragansett Council at PO Box 14777, East Providence, RI 02914 or by calling (401) 351-8700. We feel confident your Son/Daughter will have a great time at day camp this summer!


How Do I Find Out More Information About the Day Camp I Am Attending?
A welcome notice will be sent to all participants. This will be an opportunity to confirm your attendance and share all the important information concerning your specific day camp. If you should need more information, contact the Narragansett Council at (401) 351-8700 or www.narragansettbsa.org or the camp director.


Financial Aid
The Cub Scout Camping Committee of the Narragansett Council is committed to giving every Cub Scout the opportunity to go to camp this summer. To that end, Camper Scholarships are available for those in need.



223 Scituate Avenue
Cranston, RI 02921





61 Camp Yawgoog Rd
Rockville, RI 02873

