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Scouting Scholarships

Dear Leader and Parent:

The forever commitment of the Narragansett Council Board and staff is to provide Scouting to all youth, regardless of their financial status. To that end, with the support of many private donors and local companies, we are able to provide assistance for registration fees, uniform assistance, and camp scholarships to those most in need. 

A committee, made up of volunteers, evaluates each request that comes in to ensure there is an equitable distribution of assistance. The link below to our form is for every type of assistance we are able to provide. Please be sure to select each option that applies to your family situation. 

This Campership Committee will consider camp scholarship applications for Scouts BSA Camp at Yawgoog, Webelos Camp at Yawgoog, Cub Scout Day Camp and Family Camp Weekends. In keeping with the Scouting philosophy, we ask that every effort be made by your Cub Scout or Scouts BSA member and their unit to provide a portion of the camp fee. In the words of the Scout Law….”A Scout is thrifty….he/she works to pay their way and to help others. He/She saves for the future. He/She carefully uses time and property.”

While funds are limited, I would again stress that we are committed to providing scholarship assistance to ensure that every youth member can participate in Scouting and attend summer camp.

Financial assistance requests can be submitted at any time, but please adhere to the following deadline for membership and camp assistance to help us fairly distribute funds:

  • Prior to completing an online application for brand new Scouts.
  • 60-30 days ahead of expiration for renewal assistance (e.g. the month of November for December 31st expirations).
  • May 15th for camp scholarships. However, if a family situation changes or if a Cub/Scout decides to attend camp after this deadline, please be assured that we will consider a family’s request. We will contact the Cubmaster or Scoutmaster once the application is received (Please provide Scoutmaster/Cubmaster email when filling out the application). All requests for aid will be treated in a confidential manner.

We sincerely hope you enjoy your Scouting experience and we can't wait to see you at summer camp! 

Yours in Scouting,

Tim McCandless
Scout Executive/CEO

Campership Application (Summer Camp Programs Only)

Membership Fee Assistance Application (Not for Summer Camp)

Available year-round for BRAND NEW (not yet registered) Scouts.

Please do not apply for renewal assistance until 60 days prior to expiration (e.g. November 1st at the earliest for December 31st expirations).




223 Scituate Avenue
Cranston, RI 02921





61 Camp Yawgoog Rd
Rockville, RI 02873

