Launch Party 2021
WHO - This event is for unit Popcorn Kernels, New Member Coordinators, Membership Chairs, Committee Chairs, and Unit Leaders.
WHAT - Narragansett Council invites you to kickoff our fall campaigns; Popcorn and Membership recruitment. We'll have updates on what our fall programs will look like.
WHERE - Camp Champlin - 223 Scituate Avenue, Cranston, RI 02920
Check-in at the top of the parking lot at the Camp Office.
Parking available in the main parking lot.
WHY - Join us to kickoff the "Scouting Year" in style. Sign up for a time to pick up your membership orders and popcorn kits. Don't miss out on some awesome doors prizes!
WHEN - Wednesday, August 4, 2021
- 6:30PM - Welcome
- 6:45PM - 8:00PM - Hear tips and tricks on how to conduct a successful popcorn sale this year, get a refresher on how to hold your recruitment events in a way that accommodates social distancing, and hear what's happening with our fall program events.
HOW - Please register online!
Full uniform encouraged!
Dinner will be provided.
Rain or shine event
Masks are not required since this is an outdoor event, but please do what you are comfortable with.
With 100+ people registered for tonight's event we will have multiple people per picnic table. If you prefer, you are welcome and encouraged to bring a camp chair.