“Program” is the most visible part of Scouting. It encompasses every event a Scout attends and every award and advancement they receive.
Scouts BSA Planning Guide
Cub Scout Planning Guide
Youth Protection Training
The Guide to Safe Scouting
BSA Medical Forms
CubmasterDen LeaderPack Committee
Advancement ResourcesScouting for all AbilitiesOnline Eagle PacketScoutbookBSA Social Media GuidelinesSubmit Your Cub Camping Promo DateRoundtable InformationAdopt a SchoolLink to National Scouting FormsSilver Beaver ApplicationCertificate of Insurance Request - Request forms should list the Name and address of the organization, not the Units information. Please reach out to the contact to find out how they would like the Name listed before sending in your request. Please email requests to nicole.mcnamara@scouting.org atleast 2 weeks prior to your event. Council Accident & Sickness Insurance Plan BrochurePosition Training